The cookeries evolve and turn the centre neurálgico of the home

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Noticias It presents today the results of the ‘Studio Houzz Spain 2016 on tendencies in cookeries' that has collected information on the behaviour of the Spanish individuals to the hour to reform his cookery. According to the data, can extract two conclusions mainly.

In the first place, the Spaniards renew his cookeries with the aim to create a space multifuncional that no only serve to cook, but also to develop other more social activities. Second, the individuals bet by a design that incorporate characteristic, functionalities and decorative appearances more own of other rooms of the house and that contribute to difuminar the limits among the cookery and other spaces of the hogar.el studio reveals that the individuals inscribed in that are immersed in a renewal, plan to carry a project of reform of the cookery or recently have completed one, go a step further of the traditional use of the same like space to cook. 65% of the respondents affirms that they use it besides to eat and dine, and almost a fourth part for socializar (23%) yentretenerse/spend the while (16%). The cookery Is turn the central space of the house where near of the half of the individuals polled raisin more than three hours to the day (47%).

In this sense, 44% of the individuals that is renewing his house decided to do his more opened cookery to the rest of the home. It is more, 27% of the reforms made opted for designing a cookery of plant entirely open. Of the same way, almost a third of the cookeries are more opened to external spaces (31%) after the reform.

"This new concept of modern cookery and multifuncional is thought to boost the moments in family, with friends, but also to work, and all this with a lot of style", affirms Nino Sitchinava, expert economist in Houzz. "The data of the studio show that the individuals expect that the reform of the cookery go a step further to improve the experience, the storage or the aesthetics. This new concept of cookery allows that the space do the times of canteen, of living room or living room, and besides comports a type of distribution, decoration and new finishings that do increasingly complicated to know where ends up the cookery and where begins the rest of the house".As it collects the studio, in command of the functional priorities for the individuals, is the ease to clean and disinfect the cookery with 52%. Have of space of storage and find easily the utensils (47%) also is important for the Spaniards. In this sense, the individuals bet by cupboards (72%) and pantries (35%) integrated and islands and peninsulas (16% both). On the other hand, 56% of the individuals considers prioritario design a cookery with a lot of natural sunlight, although without forgetting the saving of energy. 45% prioritised the installation of appliances with label of energetic efficiency (type To) in his cookeries. Besides, attain a design in harmony with the rest of the rooms of the house (36%) and that it was elegant and with style (36%) are other appearances that concern to the particulares.el studio also analyses the reasons that move to the individuals to make a reform in the cookery. 33% decided to undertake the reform of the cookery of his recently bought house  to adapt it to his needs. Another factor determinant for 23% of the individuals was to finish with the state of deterioration, the bad operation and the insecurity of his current cookery. This data does not result surprising take that 2 of each 5 cookeries were reformed does more than 15 years (42%). The economic factor also is important. 20% of the respondents affirms that it spent time wanting to reform the cookery and that finally have had the means to do it.

Given the considerable longevity of the cookeries, the individuals bet by products and designs that resist the step of the time and allow them enjoy of his cookeries during a lot of years. The classical style and the clear colours, with the target (55%) in command, are the most sued among the individuals. Cupboards with smooth doors (70%),appliances of stainless steel (57%) and encimeras of compact quartz (20%) or granite (16%) are among the most installed.

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